

Door Hangers

State Farm Marketing

State Farm Marketing

Door-to-door advertising is nothing new.  Many businesses have been using it for several decades now to cost-effectively promote their products or services.  For over 25 years now, Direct to Door Marketing has been helping business owners advertise their products or services in California, Florida, Illinois, Nevada and every State across the nation.

We are proud of the fact that we played a key role in hundreds of the State Farm marketing campaigns and we are a corporate-approved vendor. We have corporate-approved artwork, designs and logos.  We have delivered millions and millions of door hangers for State Farm.

So what does this mean for the agent who is looking for an alternative method of advertising their products or services? Consider the following benefits of advertising your products or services door-to-door compared to other types of marketing:

You don’t need any experience – although this is a very common hurdle among business owners and is sometimes a deterrent to using this marketing venue, it doesn’t have to be when you let Direct to Door Marketing design and create your advertising materials.  We have over 25 years of experience in door-to-door advertising and our specialists can provide you with the highest quality marketing solutions.

You can reach thousands of people – a minimum order is typically 5,000 door hangers (as an example).  Chances are, more people are going to see these than a commuter who is passing a billboard or listening to commercials on the radio.  Additionally, there is a greater likelihood of them paying more attention to these door hangers than a TV ad.

The delivery of your advertising materials is guaranteed – our auditing system is one of the most complete and thorough systems in the industry today.  We require that the employees who distribute your advertising materials to provide us with a completed map of destinations that are signed off by their supervisors and we provide digital pictures and even short videos if requested in advance.

Compared to other advertising media, door-to-door advertising is one of the most cost-effective forms of promoting your products or services – the cost of your advertising is typically determined by a number of variables.

This includes whether or not you want us to distribute your materials, if you want assistance with the printing of your advertisements, or if you want us to handle the whole process start to finish.

Granted, assisting the State Farm marketing campaign says a lot about the quality of our advertising services, but thousands of other companies have taken advantage of using our marketing materials on a regular basis.

They are all aware of how effective door-to-door advertising can be and have made this a key component in their marketing toolbox.  Direct to Door Marketing’s trained specialists can assist you with your advertising needs and design a solution that will work for you.

We will be more than happy to answer all of your questions, give you additional information on our different advertising materials and solutions, or provide you with an estimate for our services.  Simply call us at the toll-free number listed above or contact us through our website e-mail here at https://www.doorhangerswork.com/.