

Door Hangers

Insurance Advertising

Insurance Advertising

As many different industries have become increasingly more competitive over the past few decades,

Insurance Advertising
Insurance Advertising

this is especially the case in the insurance industry.

Turn on your TV set any time of the day or night and you will see a number of commercial breaks containing insurance advertising for numerous companies.

One of the most cost-effective marketing methods that many insurance companies have turned to recently for gaining more clients is door-to-door advertising or more specifically, the use of door hangers.

If you stop and think about this for a minute, door-to-door insurance advertising is one of the most effective ways to reach more potential clients than other media.

There is a greater chance that your door hangers will be read because homeowners and occupants typically have to enter their homes through that front door.  Conversely, there is a greater likelihood that a commuter will not notice your company’s billboard or hear your radio commercial when they are on the road.

Even when these consumers are at home, how many of them change their TV channel whenever there is a commercial break? It’s no different where insurance advertising is concerned.  Commuters want to hear music, not lengthy commercial breaks.

Additionally, they may notice your billboard, but the cautious driver only focuses on one thing – the road and the traffic on it.  So it makes sense to use door hangers.  Unfortunately, the misconception with many business owners and companies is that these will just be treated like junk mail and thrown away.

Nothing could be farther from the truth especially when it comes to advertising something as critical to American families as the different types of insurances needed in order to protect their family members as well as their homes and vehicles.  It comes as no surprise then that many companies today have been using door hangers for their insurance advertising.  Consider the following benefits of using door hangers to promote your “products” and gain new clients:

Door hangers attract attention and get read – this is especially true if that door hanger is professionally designed with plenty of eye appeal and a great message.

Demographic targeting – you can blanket a neighborhood or target a specific audience. The choice is up to you.  You can target your audience by city, county, state, and even zip code – the choice is up to you.

Higher visibility – as was mentioned above, there is a greater likelihood that a consumer is going to pay attention to that door hanger before noticing a billboard or hearing radio and TV commercials.

Cost-effectiveness – when you compare door hanger insurance advertising methods to several of the other media, this is one of the most affordable advertising venues available.

For more information regarding insurance advertising solutions, please contact us at our toll-free phone number listed above or visit our website at https://www.doorhangerswork.com/. Direct to Door Marketing has been handling the advertising needs of insurance companies in California, Florida, Illinois, and Nevada for over 25 years now.  Call us for an estimate on our services today.