

Door Hangers

Flyer Marketing vs. Conventional marketing

Flyer Marketing vs. Conventional marketing

Owning a business can have its advantages. It takes consistent work on your part to make sure that you always have

Flyer Marketing vs. Conventional marketing
Flyer Marketing vs. Conventional marketing

continuous clients or customers. Even if you are doing well, don’t stop advertising and marketing your business.

It’s up to you to come up with a good marketing idea. If you can’t you may have someone else to do the marketing for you. Either way, it costs money to market your business and you don’t have time or money to waste on errors.

There are so many choices to make when it comes to marketing your business. Which method is right for you?

Conventional Marketing

Conventional marketing includes using old-fashioned methods to create more clients or customers and ultimately

Flyer Marketing vs. Conventional marketing
Flyer Marketing vs. Conventional marketing

to  increase sales. Conventional marketing includes brochures, mail shots, trade shows, direct sales, and advertising on television, radio, and via internet.
Conventional marketing isn’t always successful but for some businesses, it may be the right marketing. For example, if you want to advertise locally instead of all over the world.

Conventional marketing takes a little more money than any other type of marketing for several reasons. To advertise on the radio or television, you will need to pay for your advertisement first. This is usually expensive and sometimes don’t pay off. If you advertise on the internet, you have to advertise right or you won’t even be picked up on search engines. It’s not easy to find a conventional marketing method that actually works.

Flyer Marketing

One of the more popular types of marketing is the flyer marketing for several reasons. You can reach more clients, printing costs are lower, and you can be creative in the way you distribute the flyers. There are many different formats to use on the flyer that you want to distribute so you can reach any client anywhere.

Making your marketing flyer is a way to express your creativity and to have fun with your work. If your flyer is very

Flyer Marketing vs. Conventional marketing
Flyer Marketing vs. Conventional marketing

neat and written well, you will reach more people than any other advertising method. If you don’t write the flyer well and it looks sloppy or you use bright colors or lame quotes, you will turn more people away than you will bring them in.

Creating a flyer template is not easy but it is necessary. There are several marketing templates available online or you can hire a printing company online or locally to print your flyers for you. If you are creative and you know what you want, you can create your flyers from your home computer and printer.

Which choice is right for you? That depends mainly on what business you are in and what type of advertising you want to do. Who do you want to reach with your advertisement? How many options do you have in reaching them? Sometimes there is only one way to reach potential clients and in that situation, the answer is chosen for you. Now that you have the information, which marketing method is right for your business?